

Getting Attention - Carnival Barking

From a question posed on LinkedIn, by Julian Lockhart

"How do I get the attention of a prospect who won't return my call? I am thinking of sending a short note with a penny in it that says " a penny for your thoughts". Any other ideas?"

My response:

"...Ok well.

I will answer without demeaning - I hope.

I have worked for companies that used these "techniques" to get attention - the baby shoe, the Penny, cookie, flowers, toy trucks, uniforms with custom logos - all were successful 15 YEARS AGO.

It don't work now. And if it does, I question the entry level of the person who was attracted to you over a penny.

I don't know about your time, but my time is AT LEAST as valuable as my prospects and usually MORE valuable, at every level of contact(yes, even C-Level).

'Put That Coffee Down!"

Leave all the "techniques" to the Carnival barkers in the mall - you know the ones, selling skin lotion, back massages and mini, RC helicopters.

Leave the "Boiler Room", "Glenn Garry Glenn Ross" and "Cadillac Man" tricks to Hollywood and approach each prospect as a person you can help.

If you know that what you provide fits what they need and will honestly make their lives easier - tell them.

Big Point -

One answer alluded to this, recognize when it's time to "cut bait" - I understand what you mean by "Some of my greatest wins in sales came after a repeatedly getting no response... "

But remember this -

Jesus doesn't get everyone, why should you?

(oh oh - I mentioned Jesus. You can substitute Budah, or Mohammad, L.Ron Hubbard or Jim Jones, you get the point.) ..."


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Hey thanks for the response to my question on Linkedin. Very Cool.

I clarified my question and wanted to post it here(with some minor edits):

This is great!

It seems that some of the responses I have gotten are less than favorable. ;)

ONE THING: In hindsight, I think that I poorly worded my question. I think you may have gotten distracted by my saying "they won't return my call".

I’m actually interested in ways linkers are getting the attention of prospects AND customers. Beyond the simple or complex sales tactics and strategies (that work). It could be just the way you answer the phone E.G. The name tag guy "Hello, My name is Scott". I hope Scott is not offended by my including his idea in with my cheesy ideas. :)

It’s got me thinking. Have you been the recipient of one of these “so-called” cheesy gimmicks? what was your reaction? Let me hear from you.

I have heard over the years from people who had it done to them who thought “boy, that’s interesting.” I am not aware of any lost sales.

LET ME BE CLEAR: I am not advocating being unprepared, not networking and looking for the easy gimmick.

I was really hoping linkers would respond by putting their “creative hat” on and offer some interesting ways to be “cheesy”.

One last thing: